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WHAT IS EAST ASIAN MEDICINE?East Asian Medicine also referred to as Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM or Traditional Medicine: combines Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tui-Na (Chinese Medical Massage), Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua-sha, Dietary Therapy and Qi Gong to promote and restore balance within the mind and body. With a clinical history of over 2,000 years, these modalities are highly effective in the prevention and management of many health conditions including lifestyle-related chronic diseases.
WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE AND HOW DOES IT WORK?Acupuncture is the healing practice of inserting needles into specific acupuncture points located throughout the body to promote healing. It is a technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine whose 2,000 year old origins are firmly rooted in Chinese philosophy and the healing arts. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of the world’s population uses Acupuncture as part of its primary health care. States of health and wellness all depend on the natural balance of homeostasis in the body. Experiencing symptoms like pain, chronic stress, insomnia and many other forms of dis-ease are all signs of imbalance and disruption to homeostasis. Acupuncture works by assisting the flow of your vital energy to enhance your body’s ability to heal and return to homeostatic balance. Vital energy flows through your body in pathways called meridians which cover the body somewhat like nerves and blood vessels. Over 2000 years ago, the Chinese mapped the meridians and specific points along them where vital energy is easily accessed. They used both anatomical dissection and deep meditation to understand the connection between physical anatomy and functional aspects of vital energy flow. The movement of vital energy is initiated by the insertion of acupuncture needles into specific points along these meridians. The main organ systems in your body respond to changes in the movement of vital energy to heal imbalances and establish homeostasis.
IS ACUPUNCTURE PAINFUL?Acupuncture should not hurt. Acupuncture needles are as thin as two human hairs and they are extremely flexible. They are made of solid stainless steel and are sterilized, individually packaged and used only once on you. Most insertions are just below the skin’s surface. A dull ache, tingling or a brief sting are sometimes felt around the needle as it is inserted. Sometimes you may notice no sensation at all.
WHAT ABOUT NEEDLE-LESS TREATMENTS?1000 Cranes Health offers a variety of needle-less treatment options: acupressure, herbal medicine, therapeutic massage, cupping, moxibustion (heat therapy) and movement therapy.
WHAT CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN TREATED WITH SUCCESS IN YOUR OFFICE?Musculoskeletal pain Recovery from surgery and sports injuries Headaches and Neurological conditions Respiratory conditions Digestive distress Mental Health: Stress/Anxiety/Depression Sleep disorders Disordered eating and weight loss
WHAT ARE SOME BENEFITS I MIGHT EXPERIENCE FROM TREATMENT?It often happens, even after your first treatment, that you will experience some shift of your symptoms, your awareness and the ease with which you move through life. As your treatments progress you may notice that you have more vitality and energy. Almost everyone comes away from treatment feeling extremely relaxed. It is not unusual to fall asleep on the treatment table or at the very least find yourself in a very restful and relaxed state. Some patients comment that after treatment it is the most relaxed they have ever felt. You may also find that you get sick less often and when you do get sick you recover more quickly. Most patients also notice that health issues other than the ones which prompted the initial treatments may disappear. Every treatment is customized to meet your specific needs so benefits vary from person to person.
I RECEIVE MASSAGE REGULARLY. SHOULD I ALSO TRY ACUPUNCTURE?Receiving complementary treatments, like acupuncture and massage, can improve outcomes and offer deeper levels of relief for longer periods of time. An acupuncture treatment can enhance a massage therapy session in several ways. Just like massage therapy, acupuncture is excellent at pain relief and decreasing muscle spasm. Acupuncture improves blood flow to an area, pushing out fluids that may contain chemicals that cause pain and discomfort. Acupuncture needles can access deeper tissues and joint spaces where it is difficult for fingers, elbows, or palms to reach. Acupuncture can also treat multiple parts of the body at the same time.
WHAT HAPPENS DURING MY FIRST TREATMENT?During your first visit we will have a thorough discussion about your health history, your lifestyle and the concerns that have you seeking treatment. You will receive your first Acupuncture treatment and I will review with you my recommendations for your follow-up treatment plan.
HOW MANY TREATMENTS WILL I NEED?The frequency of treatment is always subject to change depending upon the presenting symptoms and the severity of their nature. If you have had Acupuncture treatment before and continue to use it as part of your overall wellness plan, then one or two treatments per month will likely be adequate. If your health concerns are chronic and have affected you for a long time, then five to seven treatments are advised to rebuild your health. If the nature of your complaints is acute and painful I may recommend two treatments per week for a very short interval. Throughout the course of your treatments I will be able to determine how you are responding and re-evaluate your treatment plan.
HOW CAN I PAY FOR TREATMENT?1000 Cranes Health accepts cash and most major credit cards. All payments are due at the time of service.
DO YOU ACCEPT INSURANCE?1000 Cranes Health does not bill insurance for services at this time. All payments are due at the time of service. If you have insurance that covers acupuncture you may request a detailed receipt that you can submit to your insurance for any available out-of-network benefits. Please feel free to use our insurance worksheet to guide you in contacting your insurance and finding out how you might be reimbursed by your plan.
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